Django Starter Template

This template provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use starting point for your new Django project. It comes pre-configured with a robust set of features, saving you the hassle of setting up everything from scratch.

Django icon

Django 5+

Enjoy the latest version of Django with all its features and improvements.

Visual Studio Code

Fully integrated with VSC. Develop with Black, Flake8, isort and Pytest with zero configuration thanks to dev containers.


Start your project with a robust database without the need to install and configure it.


Jupyter Notebooks

Test your queries and code interactively with Jupyter Notebooks.

Asynchronous Tasks & Caching

Redis, Celery, django-celery-beat, django-celery-results, and django-redis are included for task scheduling and caching

Debugging & Extensions

Django debug toolbar, Django extensions and Sentry for debugging and enhancing the functionality of Django.

Django Rest Framework

A powerful and popular toolkit for building Web APIs using Django.

Custom user model

You have the flexibility to define your own fields and behaviors specific to your application's requirements.

JWT and Token Auth

dj-rest-auth for Token and JWT authentication. In development, Basic and Session are also enabled.

APIs auto documentation

Swagger and Redoc auto documentation for your APIs.

Django Filters

You can easily add filters to your views and APIs with django-filter.

Asynchronous Emails

The template uses django-celery-email for out of the box asynchronous emails.

Automatic file cleanup

django-cleanup is included to automatically delete uploaded files when an item is removed from the database.

Data Seeding

You can seed your models with django-seed.